Research and Innovative Application of Biomimetic Tessellation Principles
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2023.080401 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 692
Mingyu Jin 1, Zichen Bai 1, Xiaosong Zhang 2
1 College of Architecture and Art, North China University of Technology, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China
2 China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co., Ltd., Pudong, Shanghai, China
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Biomimetic tessellation is the combination of biomimetic and tessellation principles. This paper conducted an in-depth study on those theory. First, the author introduced biomimetic pangolin scales and biomimetic aggregates fruit, and conducted a target study on their animal and plant morphology by using the biomimetic tessellation principle. Second, according to the advantages obtained, the author chooses a suitable building case and makes innovate application of two biomimetic tessellation principle to test its rationality. The conclusion shows that the two biomimetic tessellation principles can greatly improve the building in the aspects of shading, comfort, flexibility, stability, economy, etc., which provides ideas and directions for future research.
Biomimetic; Tessellation; DigitizationCITE THIS PAPER
Mingyu Jin, Zichen Bai, Xiaosong Zhang, Research and Innovative Application of Biomimetic Tessellation Principles. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2023) Vol. 8: 1-5. DOI:
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