Research on the Force of Steel Column in Tower Crane High Pile Cap System
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2023.080402 | Downloads: 35 | Views: 979
Yongchao Xie 1,2
1 Guangzhou Hengsheng Construction Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, 510540, China
2 Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd, Guangzhou, 510030, China
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Yongchao XieABSTRACT
Due to the special working condition of the tower crane, the high pile bearing system installed in the middle of the foundation pit should bear relatively large vertical load, horizontal force, bending moment and torque. The force situation is very complex. The research results show that the steel column is a compressive bending force member, and the most unfavorable working condition occurs in the stage, when the installation tower crane is put into use and the foundation pit has not been excavated.
Tower crane; working condition; non-working state; high pile cap; steel column; member bending stabilityCITE THIS PAPER
Yongchao Xie, Research on the Force of Steel Column in Tower Crane High Pile Cap System. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2023) Vol. 8: 6-10. DOI:
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