Research on the integrated development of intangible cultural heritage and tourism under the background of rural revitalization Strategy—A case study of rural non-cultural heritage in Lu'an City, Anhui Province
DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2023.060603 | Downloads: 57 | Views: 921
Fu Yonghong 1, Wang Cheng 1
1 School of Art, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, 233030, China
Corresponding Author
With the progress of The Times and the development of economy, the traditional rural form is also undergoing great changes. A series of rural problems, such as the "hollowing out" of traditional villages, the difficulty of protecting intangible cultural heritage, and the destruction of ecological environment, restrict the development of rural economy and the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. Culture is the soft power of a region, and vigorously developing the cultural industry is also an important step we need to complete. Now more and more people pay attention to intangible cultural heritage, but it may only be limited to understanding the term intangible cultural heritage, the difference between intangible cultural heritage and material cultural heritage, and what aspects of intangible cultural heritage are still the knowledge blind spot of most people. This requires local governments to strengthen the promotion and protection of intangible cultural heritage. In the context of rural revitalization, most tourists have a deep curiosity and love for the intangible cultural heritage of the destination, and they hope to express their feelings for historical and cultural heritage through different ways and means. In recent years, Lu 'an has made gratifying achievements in the protection of "intangible cultural heritage". In 2016, the Archives Bureau of Lu 'an City also proposed that the collection of intangible cultural heritage archives should be an important part of the collection of archives, and the archive work should be involved in the protection of "intangible cultural heritage", transforming the intangible "intangible cultural heritage" into tangible "intangible cultural heritage", and the archives will leave more "intangible cultural heritage" resources for future generations.
Liu'an intangible cultural heritage; Intangible cultural heritage; Tourism culture; Beautiful countryCITE THIS PAPER
Fu Yonghong, Wang Cheng, Research on the integrated development of intangible cultural heritage and tourism under the background of rural revitalization Strategy—A case study of rural non-cultural heritage in Lu'an City, Anhui Province. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2023) Vol. 6: 18-27. DOI:
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