Research on the development strategy of red art in Jinzhai County
DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2023.060607 | Downloads: 9 | Views: 648
Pan Xinling 1, Yang Dezhong 1
1 School of Art, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, 233030, China
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Red art is a unique cultural and artistic resources in China, which is deeply rooted in the life of the people, is the main basis for the indomitable and tenacious struggle of the Chinese people, and is the concentrated expression of the spirit of patriotism of the Chinese nation. Jinzhai County, Lu'an City, Anhui Province, is located in the hinterland of Dabie Mountain, is an important source of the Chinese Revolution, known as the "cradle of the Red Army, the hometown of the generals", red resources are very rich. In recent years, under the policy condition that the state strongly supports the construction of old revolutionary areas, the red resources of Jinzhai have been initially developed, but in terms of the current development situation, the rich red resources of Jinzhai County have not yet been fully developed and utilised, and there is still a great deal of room for improvement in the advantages of red art works as the main dissemination carriers of red resources.
Red cultural resources, artistic innovation, rural revitalisationCITE THIS PAPER
Pan Xinling, Yang Dezhong, Research on the development strategy of red art in Jinzhai County. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2023) Vol. 6: 47-52. DOI:
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