An Analysis of Financial System Risk Early Warning Based on Machine Learning
DOI: 10.23977/ferm.2023.061013 | Downloads: 42 | Views: 682
Feng Weiping 1
1 Krirk University, Bangkok, Thailand
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Feng WeipingABSTRACT
Financial system risk warning is an important research field in the financial industry. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the risk warning of financial system based on machine learning has become a research hotspot. This paper analyzes the risk early warning of financial system based on machine learning, aiming to provide useful ideas and methods for risk management in financial industry. First, this paper introduces the background and significance of financial system risk warning, and the application of machine learning in the financial field. Secondly, this paper elaborates the key technologies and methods of financial system risk warning based on machine learning, including data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection and evaluation. In addition, this paper also introduces the design and implementation of the financial system risk early warning system based on machine learning in detail.
Machine learning, financial system, risk warningCITE THIS PAPER
Feng Weiping, An Analysis of Financial System Risk Early Warning Based on Machine Learning. Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2023) Vol. 6: 92-99. DOI:
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