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Healthy Operation Mechanism of Innate Immune System of Quality Improvement Team in Manufacturing Enterprises

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DOI: 10.23977/msom.2021.020101 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 2150


Bing Zhou 1, Qiang Liu 1, Yu Guo 2, Chunmei Cheng 1


1 School of Economics and Management, LiaoningUniversity of Technology, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China, 121001
2 School of Economics and Management, HarbinEngineeringUniversity, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, 150001

Corresponding Author

Bing Zhou


In the context of rapid economic development, the status of quality in enterprises is gradually rising, and high-quality development has become a goal that enterprises continue to pursue. In this era of quality wins, the importance of quality cannot be ignored. This has also led many manufacturing companies to set up quality improvement teams to enhance the quality of products or services and thus enhance their competitiveness. Innate immunity is the basis of immunity and the foundation of maintaining the health of the team. Therefore, the quality improvement team of a manufacturing company first needs to enhance its own immunity and strive to maintain the health of the team's own innate immune system in order to maintain the normal operation of the team. Therefore, this article aims at related issues, uses the principle of bionics, and takes innate immunity as the starting point to study the operating mechanism of quality improvement team innate immune system health in manufacturing enterprises. The antecedent variables are selected as information sharing and employee incentives; the mediating variables are the constructive elements of the innate immunity of organizational quality are quality resources and quality culture; the moderating variable is team conflict; the result variable is the health of the immune system. Through the combination and configuration of all parties, jointly construct its theoretical model, study the operating mechanism, and ultimately improve the quality of the manufacturing enterprise. The healthy operation of the team's innate immune system provides a theoretical basis.


Quality improvement team, Innate immunity, System health, Operation mechanism


Bing Zhou, Qiang Liu, Yu Guo and Chunmei Cheng, Healthy Operation Mechanism of Innate Immune System of Quality Improvement Team in Manufacturing Enterprises. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2021) 2: 1-6. DOI:


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