Post-evaluation of tourist roads based on new concept of road design and application of interval approximation method for quantitative evaluation
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DOI: 10.23977/icidel.2018.076
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Zhang Yonghong
In order to better promote the demonstration effect of tourism roads with the assistance of post-evaluation of projects, this paper establishes the tourist road harmonious evaluation system, consisting of the harmony of road area, the harmony between people and road, the harmony of the external environment of the road as the core of indicators for the above-mentioned evaluation system, after in-depth study of the concept concerning harmony of tourist road. Furthermore, this paper adopts an approach based on interval approximation to evaluate the harmony of tourist road, and carries out post-evaluation of typical demonstration tourism road in Hebei Province, which further validates the practicability of tourist road harmony assessment methods based on interval approach.
Post-evaluation, tourist road, harmony, interval approximation