Professionalism of China's football: League, Market and Transfer
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DOI: 10.23977/icidel.2018.080
Xiaoxue Liu, Yanfen Zhang And Xuezhi Ma
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Xiaoxue Liu
Research question: this article researches in the characteristics and analysis on the problems appearing during the process of Chinese football professionalism. Research methods: it adopts the methods of literature review, expert consultation and questionnaire survey to review and summarize the process of Chinese football professionalism (1992-2016) in four stages. Results and Findings: the article suggests that Chinese football professionalism is based on the league system, marketization and transfer mechanism is the motive force of football development, and the development of soccer teenagers is also very important. Implications: the article transmits the idea of marketizing football management system and its operation mechanism in which “League, Market and Transfer” should be the primary impetus for Chinese football.
Chinese Football, League, Market, Transfer, Soccer Teenager