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Design and Implementation of 3D Education Platform for Humanoid Robot Based on Unity3D

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DOI: 10.23977/meet.2019.93711


Kailin Zheng, Baoling Han, Qingqiang Wang, Xinda Wang

Corresponding Author

Kailin Zheng


In this paper, I design a multi-functional universal software platform suitable for robot education teaching, striving to make breakthroughs in interactivity and training young people's capacities of logical thinking and spatial imagination. Unity3D engine is used for control software and function platform development, enhancing the effect of 3D visualization. 19-DOF humanoid robot developed by our laboratory is used as teaching aid to realize part model assembly and control of the robot in 3D visualization environment. The robot software platform realizes the part assembly and motion control of the robot well. Experiment tests suggest that the educational robot software platform designed in this paper has good interactivity, stability and easy operation, which greatly enhances the cognitive level to robots of young people.


Robots Education, Software Platform, Part Model Assembly, 3D Visual Programming

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