Transition of the Nenets Traditional Lifestyle in Western Siberia: Transformation of Religious Beliefs
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DOI: 10.23977/icrca.2019.019
Andrey A. Lobanov, Elena N. Bogdanova, Andrey A. Popov., Sergey V. Andronov and Nadezhda K. Kharlampieva
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Elena N. Bogdanova
Growing globalization processes have significant impact on the assimilation and transformation of lifestyle, and shifts of social roles in the family and religious beliefs in the contemporary Nenets society. Nomadic population still has traditional religious ideas about the world creation, God, struggle between Good and Evil, posthumous fate, sacrifices and rituals. But they are currently transforming under the influence of civil society and European culture patterns. The processes of this transition are passing slower in the Arctic region, especially among nomadic population, still involved in traditional occupations (reindeer herding, fisheries). But those who moved to the national settlements and got married to non-indigenous person are almost loosing these traditional beliefs. These trends are stronger among educated young who are influenced by television culture. Intra-generic and intra-family communication impacts significantly on religious views. The Nenets modern religion has far more monotheistic characteristics than shamanism, and maintains a very strong connection with the reindeer herder's traditional lifestyle. At present, it is still developing, exploring new religious ideas as well as transforming religious practice.
Transition of traditional lifestyle, Russian Arctic, Nenets, modern religious beliefs