Cognitive Metaphor as an Idiom in Shaping the Cognitive and Pragmatic Architectonics of Linguistic World Picture
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DOI: 10.23977/icrca.2019.022
Nikolay F. Alefirenko, Olga V. Dekhnich
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Nikolay F. Alefirenko
The paper deals with controversial issues of cognitive metaphors functioning as idioms in shaping the cognitive and pragmatic architectonics of linguistic world picture. The conceptual basis of the paper is made up of cognitive metaphor, world view (or world picture), linguistic world picture, as well as of linguistic thinking which contributes to idioms emergence. Though the phenomena of “world view” and “linguistic world picture” have a similar origin, they are described differently by scholars. “World view” is a process known as conceptualization of reality, while linguistic world picture is a sustainable architectonics of a people’s ethno-cultural mentality. A polemic interpretation of linguistic world picture is suggested. Priority is attached to LWP concepts which form the theoretical basis of contemporary linguistic anthropology. Though the idea of LWP may be traced back to Humboldtian concept of language, it should not be treated as the only possible point of view. If Humboldt’s ideas of language and thought inseparability are taken as a basis, linguistic world picture and the conceptual one will have to be considered identical. In this case LWP will become an excessive concept. An analysis of differences between these similar categories is possible due to the interpretation of LWP in terms of coherent relations between language and thought. This approach enables LWP to be considered a mundane consciousness product.
Cognitive linguistics, linguistic world picture/world view, cognitive metaphor, archetype, linguistic consciousness, linguistic identity