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Research on Green Distribution Route Design based on Customer’s on-time Demand

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DOI: 10.23977/emsd.2019.017


Meilian Liu, Xiuwu Nie

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Meilian Liu


This paper focuses on the vehicle routing optimization problem with carbon emission and time window double constraints for on time demand of customers. Based on the characteristics of on-time demand and green distribution, the distribution cost model covering vehicle transportation time cost, time window deviation cost, fossil consumption cost and PM2.5 emission cost has been established; the greedy algorithm has been designed to plan the distribution route to obtain the lowest distribution cost and the shortest distribution time in order to achieve green distribution. This paper, taking Guangxi a Diary Co., Ltd as an example and using the greedy algorithm, calculates the green distribution route of the company’s milk. Researches indicate that in the dynamic route planning where simply increase customer’s new demand, the total cost and total driving time of green distribution by means of greedy algorithm are respectively 592.13 yuan and 521 minutes ; in the dynamic route planning where increase both new customer points and new demand, the total cost and total driving time of green distribution by means of greedy algorithm are respectively 723.29 yuan and 633 minutes.


Green logistics, distribution route, on-time demand, greedy algorithm, scanning method

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