Garbage Cleaning Ship Based on Image Processing Technology
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DOI: 10.23977/icmee.2019.2728
Shiyong Chen, Xiaoyue Li
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Shiyong Chen
With the acceleration of China's modernization process and the increase in the amount of garbage generated, the number of floating garbage on the water is also increasing. The water shortage and accidents caused by pollution continue to occur, which not only causes the plant to stop production, agricultural production or even harvest, but also caused bad social influences and large economic losses, which has seriously threatened the sustainable development of society and threatened the survival of mankind. The existing manual cleaning methods are not only inefficient, but also have certain risks. In view of this, we designed this multi-purpose garbage cleaning ship to achieve environmentally friendly and efficient collection of floating garbage. This paper first introduces the research status of surface garbage cleaning vessels at home and abroad, and then analyzes the main problems in the current treatment of water surface waste in China. Finally, the design contents of the multi-functional garbage cleaning ship are introduced in detail, including the applicable objects and the structure of the hull design, material selection of the hull, design of the garbage storage device, etc. The design and implementation of the multi-functional garbage cleaning ship plays an important role in improving the current situation of river management in China and reducing the pollution status of rivers.
Image Processing, Image Recognition, Economic Loss, Cleanup Ship