Analysis of Cost Benefit of Asphalt Pavement Maintenance and Reconstruction Project within the Whole Life Cycle
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DOI: 10.23977/wepm2020.048
Wen Xiaobo, Wu Hao and Wu Baoxin
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Wen Xiaobo
Based on problem of focusing on initial investment costs in current maintenance project, this paper made a comprehensive analysis of the cost in the life cycle of pavement maintenance program using LCCA and determined the components of LCCA and calculation model of each stage. Finally, an example was used to analysis and compare the economic impacts of different plan for road reconstruction schemes in the whole life-cycle. On the one hand, it was found that the application of LCCA was useful in engineering. On the other hand, it proved that rubber asphalt not only had outstanding performance, but also had good economic and environmental benefits. Through LCCA, the most economic and social benefits can be obtained, which will provide the necessary technical support for the upcoming large-scale maintenance projects.
Asphalt pavement, maintenance and reconstruction project, LCCA, rubber asphalt mixture, investment decision