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Construction of Armored Vehicle Diesel Engine Maintainability Evaluation Index System Based on Expert System

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DOI: 10.23977/AICT2020018


Lianjun Zhu, Xiao Kong

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Improving the timeliness of diesel engine maintenance for armored vehicles is an important goal of conditional maintenance. How to increase the working time of diesel engines and reduce the downtime are the key issues to be solved in order to improve the equipment readiness rate under the required reliability. When the task is performed in a harsh environment, when a large number of diesel engine failures occur, it is particularly important to improve the timeliness of maintenance to ensure that the task is completed. This article proposes the concept of the maintenance depth of armored vehicle diesel engines, builds an index system of armored vehicle diesel engines maintainability evaluation based on expert system, and elaborates on the evaluation indicators in detail.


Diesel engine; expert system; maintainability evaluation; index system

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