Exploring Mixed Social Space Design for Infants and Caregivers in Residential Community
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DOI: 10.23977/EMELS2020023
Xiang Zhao, Minyong Li and Na Li
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Xiang Zhao
It is necessary for creating more attractive and incorporate social living space to increase more opportunity for infants and caregivers, which are interacted and influenced by multiple users, better than designing exclusively for them. The proposed research hopes to identify a new form of public social space in residential community, which is for addressing the increased social isolation experienced by infants and caregivers in mainland China. Design elements and attributes in landscape and facilities will be merged in order to evaluate the influence that design has on social incorporating and interaction. This proposed study aims to understand how a social space development supports social incorporating and raises fertility rate in mainland China.
The mixed social space design; the infants; the caregiver; the residential community