Optimization of Potato Flavor Yoghurt by Response Surface Method
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DOI: 10.23977/fbb2020.013
Li Cai, Guochao Gan, Qiao Lin, Fayong Gong, Zhong Zhang, Lijun He
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Qiao Lin
In this experiment, potato leben-amylase hydrolysate and fresh milk were used as the main raw materials to make potato yoghurt. On the basis of five single factor experiments, including the ratio of feed to liquid, the amount of sugar added, the amount of fermentation agent added, the fermentation temperature and the fermentation time, the fermentation process of potato flavor yogurt was optimized by selecting the ratio of feed to liquid, the amount of sugar added and the amount of fermentation agent added as the main influencing factors. The results showed that the best quality of yogurt was obtained when the ratio of remelted potato leuben-amylase lysate to fresh milk was 1:1, the adding amount of granulated sugar was 8%, and the adding amount of leavening agent was 0.6%.
Potato Flavor of Yogurt, Quality, Response Surface Method