Motivation and Ways of Improving biomedical Translation Ability of Foreign Nursing Students in Medical Colleges under the Epidemic Situation
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DOI: 10.23977/fbb2020.041
Haiyan Zhan, Wenjing Han and Jiaxin Hu
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Haiyan Zhan
With the acceleration of globalization, the cross-border exchange of knowledge and talents is becoming more frequent, and nurses have more opportunities to enter the international market for employment. Nursing English, a branch of English for Special Purpose, is a professional English for nurses. Aiming at the cultivation of students' learning motivation in the teaching process, this paper systematically studies the motivation and ways of improving biomedical translation ability of foreign nursing students in medical colleges under the epidemic situation. From the aspects of word translation, text translation, medical culture transmission, etc., this paper expounds the specific measures of training medical students' professional English translation skills and analyzes the influence of various learning motives on improving biomedical translation ability, in order to provide scientific and reasonable suggestions for foreign nursing professional English teaching in China.
Foreign nursing major, biomedical translation, Motivation, English teaching