Bunker Suppliers Accreditation as Quality Assurance for Fuel Supplied to Ships Using E-Bunker Database Method
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DOI: 10.23977/msmi.2018.82605
Eko Haryanto, Iqbal Fikri, Tribuana Galaxy
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Eko Haryanto
International Maritime Organization (IMO) through MARPOL Convention Annex VI Regulation 14 and 18 stated that from 1 January 2020 Sulphur content restrictions of fuel supplied onboard ships shall not exceed 0.5% m/m. In Indonesia, the provisions of the Sulphur content in fuel are generally regulated by the Government through Peraturan Pemerintah no. 36 of 2004 Article 48 paragraph (5) and Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 07 of 2005 Article 33 paragraph (e). The aforementioned government regulations contain the provisions of the fuel specification limits, including the Sulphur content applied to manufacturers to the existing fuel distributor in Indonesia. However, that government regulation does not specifically regulate the quality of the marine fuel from bunker supplier to ships. Indonesian government will face the challenge of creating a system to standardize and monitor fuel quality especially Sulphur content to be used on board to comply with IMO sulfur content limitation. The initial proposed solution for these challenges is the establishment of bunker supplier accreditation scheme. The accreditation scheme will more effective by using e-bunkers database method. This initial proposed solution can help the government to standardize, document and monitor of fuel quality especially the Sulphur content of fuel supplied onboard. Bunker suppliers accreditation scheme using e-bunker database method is initial proposed solution to guarantee the fuel quality; especially the Sulphur content meets IMO regulations and manages a systematic data collection on the quality of marine fuel used in Indonesia.
Accreditation scheme, bunker supplier, sulphur content, e-bunker database.