An Investigation into the Effect of Slope Angle of Hub Cap Geometry against the Efficiency of Ship Propeller in the Presence of PBCF
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DOI: 10.23977/msmi.2018.82616
Insanu Abdilla Cendikia Abar, I Ketut Aria Pria Utama, Muhammad Iqbal
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Insanu Abdilla Cendikia Abar
The use of Energy-Saving Devices (ESDs) is a way to decrease fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emission on a ship. Not only to reduce fuel consumption, but also the use of ESDs can manage environmental pollution especially air pollution. Propeller boss cap fins (PBCF) is one of ESDs which has a function to help the main propeller gaining more efficiency. However, the configuration of hub slope on a different type of hub cap is very sensitive to whole propeller system performance. The sensitivity of the slope of the hub may affect the different results on the efficiency of PBCF. This is taken into consideration in propeller design with and without the application of PBCF. This analysis was done at full scale using CFD-based RANS method. The result indicated enhancement around 1,3-1,5% on propeller efficiency after adding PBCF with convergent cap type.
Propeller Boss Caps Fins, Hub Geometry, Energy Saving Device.