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Air pollution may affect the function of central nervous system and cause related diseases

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DOI: 10.23977/misbp.2021005


Shenyi Chen, Guoheng Li, Meng Zhu

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Shenyi Chen


After understanding human’s health problem is related with the air pollutant, some research shows that different air pollutant which was caused by different ways are related with different illness. However, with different air pollutant, they have similar ways to invade human’s body and their brain. Some scientific data also shows the difference of human’s brain after they are exposed with air pollutant. Therefore, it’s important to understand the response and behavior of the human’s brain after they get attacked from those air pollutant. With the human’s brain’s response, it’s helpful for us to keep studying the mechanism that describes the process of how those pollutant hurt the brain. Some research can help us determine the basic procedure. With the exposure of air pollutant, they can change the gene’s expression. What’s more the evidence from other studies can help suppose the truth that air pollutant can also leads to some disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. After that, the relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and air pollutant is also important for us to understand, some data from the research helps understand more details about different air pollutant’s toxicity, with those information we can understand more detailed information about the pollutants and their relationship with disease.


Air pollution, central nervous system, Alzhermer’s disease, inflammation, neuron

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