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Understand brucellosis: detection, prevention and treating methods

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DOI: 10.23977/behdp.2021030


Zixuan Zhang, Jinghan Xue, Changhui Zhu

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Jinghan Xue


Brucellosis is a common infectious disease that can be found worldwide especially in farms where have lots of animals like sheep, cattle, and pigs, and somewhere that has no domestic health program, and people would be infected if they are exposed to infected animals or contaminated animal products. Our team searched for many authoritative types of research and concluded for different methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention that have been used or some methods that are developing, as well as comparing the pros and cons of each method and give out future directions for controlling this disease. But we are more focused on the part of diagnosis and prevention since we consider them as the most crucial part for controlling brucellosis. And the prevention for brucellosis is mainly composed of vaccination, 45/20 vaccine, S19 vaccine, RB51 vaccine strain, and different subunit vaccines (Recombinant protein vaccines, vector vaccines, and DNA vaccine) are some of the promising vaccines for controlling brucellosis but there is still a long way for the development of subunit vaccines before applying to humans. This paper aims to give out a comprehensive and detailed literature review for brucellosis which could be used by different people who want to get to know brucellosis and to learn about current developments in the efforts for controlling this infectious disease.


Brucellosis, diagnosis, preventions, vaccination, control

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