Turning the Unified COVID-19 Vaccine Passport into a Powerful Tool for Global Recovery
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DOI: 10.23977/ICSSEM2022.071
Yupeng Dong, Hong Wu, Wenxiang Zhang, Jianfeng Lu
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Hong Wu
In the post epidemic era, the promotion of the COVID-19 “vaccine passport” should become a matter of common concern in the field of public governance of the international community, which is of great significance to promote the global economy and society into the normal track of sustainable development. The essence of the “vaccine passport” is a unified digital passport with technology neutrality. To solve the problem of the promotion and application of the COVID-19 “vaccine passport”, it is necessary to build a composite domestic normative system and reach an agreement on mutual trust and recognition among countries or regions through the bilateral or multilateral negotiations. The sustainable development solution is recognized as the directive specification for the recognition and application of the “vaccine passport” launched by the international organizations.
COVID-19, Vaccine passport, Consensus norms, Multilateral negotiations, Open international convention, Mutual trust and recognition mechanism