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Innovative Application and Practical Research of Watercolor Technique in Oil Painting Creation

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DOI: 10.23977/FMESS2022.085


Yang Bo

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Yang Bo


Watercolor painting has experienced the evolution of nearly a thousand years. The tools used in watercolor painting include watercolor box pigment, brush, paper and water. With the development of science and technology, people have gradually broken the old ideas, and the tools and materials are constantly updated. The research of applying watercolor techniques to oil painting creation needs to start with the connection and difference between watercolor creation and oil painting creation. Watercolor techniques can make the painting content show a clear and clear artistic conception, and well neutralize the thick and thick style of oil painting. The innovation and development of watercolor techniques is not only an important factor in the formation of artists' personal style, but also enriches the technical language of watercolor art. Many techniques of watercolor painting can be applied, which can draw special effects different from watercolor and traditional oil painting. Watercolor painting and oil painting are two different kinds of paintings, and they also have their own unique painting methods. However, from the perspective of the application of techniques, it is not said that any technique is unique to a certain kind of painting. Between painting types, the techniques are used for reference. The continuous pursuit of different personality expression in painting will produce more and more various techniques. This paper explores the connection and difference between watercolor creation and oil painting creation, and the specific application of watercolor techniques in oil painting creation. The purpose is to better integrate watercolor techniques with oil painting creation and improve the artistic conception and effect of oil painting creation.


Innovative Application and Practical Research of Watercolor Technique in Oil Painting Creation

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