The Modernity of Artificial Intelligence Painting
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DOI: 10.23977/IEMESSC2023.010
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Ziran Luo
Artificial intelligence emerged as something new, with a powerful vitality unique to new things. Artificial intelligence painting is an essential component in the construction of a metaverse, a powerful engine for computer vision. According to Baudelaire, “Modernity is transitory, ephemeral, and contingent; it constitutes half of art; the other half of art is eternal, stable, and unchanging.” Artificial intelligence painting fulfils this in the same way, but distinguishes itself from the material forms of the past by taking on a virtual appearance. It takes place in a virtual context, and intelligently replaces the human role, becoming a presence that cannot be ignored, and straddles the virtual and real worlds, existing in a transcendent modernity that plays a more irreplaceable role.
Artificial intelligence, Artificial intelligence painting, Modernity