The Structural Design of a Mother-Bomb Carrier for Naval Information Ammunition
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DOI: 10.23977/ICEPMS2023.001
Jijin Tong, Shilei Zhao
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Jijin Tong
An innovative design of cluster bomb retrofitted from standard ammunition is proposed in this paper. After analyzing the stress at key positions, the requirements for material selection, fabrication and design of retrofitting parts are determined to ensure the necessary launching and in-air explosion strengths based on such features of gun-launched cluster bomb as high overload, high rotational speed, and thin shell wall. As verified in tests, the retrofitted cluster bomb can open the cabin reliably, which satisfies the required launching and in-air explosion strengths. Additionally, it is highly consistent with the original standard ammunition in terms of external ballistics. The proposed design of retrofitted cluster bomb can be applied in the dispenser design of information ammunition, and even can be used in the active cannon straightway. Therefore, it offers a new approach in the research and development of information ammunition with a cluster bomb structure for in-service naval guns.
Cluster bomb, design, high overload, strength analysis