Bloom masters the application of learning theory in blended teaching in international Chinese education
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DOI: 10.23977/ICEMBE2023.002
Qiao Gao, Yanyan Shi, Fei Feng
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Yanyan Shi
In recent years, more and more“Chinese + skills” projects have been launched, providing a variety of vocational training and employment opportunities for overseas learners.Based on the background of“Chinese + skills”, the paper highlights the characteristics of vocational skills training in vocational colleges, takes learners' needs as the foundation, takes typical tasks as the driving force, and takes the teaching goal as the guidance, based on Brumm's classification of teaching objectives, a hybrid teaching model for international Chinese language education is established, with online and offline blended teaching as the means and process assessment as the key, it provides a step-by-step learning process with rich teaching contents, various teaching forms and dynamic teaching evaluation.
International Chinese education, Brumm master learning theory, blended learning