Farmland Shelterbelt Contribute to Green Fortune
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DOI: 10.23977/emsd.2019.052
Na Lei, Jing He, Yufei Xiong, Yanan Li
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Na Lei
By using Henan Province as an example, it is the first time to perform Farmland shelterbelt contributes to green fortune. The result shows that the increment of Green Fortune of Henan Farmland shelterbelt from 2012 to 2015 is 3.497 billion Yuan, Farmland shelterbelt provides products and services is increased for national economic development.; the increment of the value of the flow is 0.673 billion Yuan, natural capital 0.231 billion Yuan, which accounting for 34.32 % of the former, the value of ecological service function is 4.42 billion Yuan, accounting for65.68 % of the total Green Fortune, that is, the ecological service function value is twice than the natural capital, the ecological service of the farmland shelterbelt make a good benefits.
Farmland shelterbelt, ecological service function value, green fortune