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Propose a New Journal

To properly evaluate the potential for success of a new journal, it is essential for CSP to examine and discuss numerous topics. This brief outline shows some of the important information that is required for the evaluation, planning and review process:

  • The likely contribution to science, particularly, the scientific mission and rigor of the proposed journal;
  • The likely rate of submissions of papers meeting international levels of excellence;
  • The fit with other CSP journals;
  • The enthusiasm of a suitably experienced and qualified editorial team.

The proposal should contain the following sections:

1. Introduction

This should provide a general overview of the proposal and a summary of the reasons why it would be feasible to launch a new journal.

2. Aims and scope of the journal

This should state briefly what the suggested aims of the journal will be, what types of papers it hopes to publish (e.g. empirical research, theoretical contributions, reviews, commentaries) and the various areas that it would include within its scope. Please include the following:

  • Title (note if tentative)
  • Expected contents by type (e.g. research papers, reviews, etc.)
  • Editor-in-chief name, title, your business (professional) email address, business phone, the name and address of your institution, interest areas
  • Journal scope
  • Frequency of the journal
  • A short statement of the journal perspectives

3. Editorial Board

Please provide 3-5 editorial board members for the proposed journal, including:

  • First name and last name, title(Dr. / Prof. /Mr. / Mrs. /Engineer)
  • The name and address of institution
  • The business telephone number
  • The business (professional) email address (personal email addresses such as,, and are not acceptable)

If you are interested, please kindly contact us by [email protected].

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