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Research on Music Teaching Mode in Colleges and Universities Integrating Chinese and Western Traditional Cultures

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DOI: 10.23977/ICSSEM2023.053


Beibei Zhang

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Beibei Zhang


The formation of the concept of music education is closely related to the development of the country and the nation. The development degree of China and western countries is different, and the concept of music education is different. China and western countries have different development processes, different cultural, political and economic development characteristics, and great differences in traditional cultural concepts. After the integration of Chinese traditional culture, the setting of efficient music courses should be more perfect and scientific, which can make up for some defects before. In western countries, the idea of integrating traditional culture into music teaching courses in many colleges and universities is still very weak, and there is no teaching reform according to the actual situation. The emphasis on integrating traditional culture into music teaching is not high, and the content that students can understand is limited. It also puts forward new challenges to students' aesthetic ability and creative ability. This paper analyzes the influence of music education on modern Chinese and western traditional cultures, and provides reference for the rapid development of music education. On the whole, the focus of the book is relatively novel, and the full text is written in the order of problem raising, problem analysis and solution, with cautious logic and rigorous argumentation, which provides a reference path for the innovation of music teaching mode in colleges and universities.


Chinese and Western traditional culture; Colleges and universities; Music teaching mode

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