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Innovative design of storage cabinet for Miao embroidery pieces based on QFD and TRIZ

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DOI: 10.23977/ICEMESS2023.005


Jiang Peng, Li Peng, Liangao Deng, Yongqi Dai

Corresponding Author

Li Peng


Due to the rapid development of modern technology and the e-commerce industry that threatens the Miao embroidery industry and Miao embroidery skills, there is a requirement to design a Miao embroidery piece storage cabinet that integrates scientific management and protection of Miao embroidery works and pieces, which can guarantee the inheritance of Miao embroidery skills, effectively provide services to enterprises that correspond to social requirements and national policies. The existing storage cabinets on the market only meet the problem of storing objects. However, storage alone is not enough for Miao embroidery pieces. This paper uses QFD and TRIZ theories to solve the design problem of a storage cabinet for Miao embroidery pieces. In addition, the paper combines the essential formulas to calculate the importance of the enterprise's requirements, uses a decision algorithm to calculate the decision attributes of the requirements, and further transforms the design requirements into the technical characteristics of the storage cabinet for Miao embroidery pieces. Furthermore, the TRIZ theory problem-solving tool was later used to analyze the design conflict and propose design points. Finally, the TRIZ theory summarized the innovative design direction and designed a multifunctional Miao embroidery piece storage cabinet with a single color, elegant shape, and floating body that combines embroidery piece storage, scientific management, fire, theft, and rat prevention to meet the requirements of the enterprise. Therefore, combining QFD and TRIZ theory in product design was feasible and provided a new reference for product design procedures.


Miao embroidery; embroidery piece; storage cabinet; QFD; TRIZ; innovative design

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