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Artist's Self-Cultivation: From the Perspective of Artistic Creation

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DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2023.041214 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 481


Wan Zhang 1


1 Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture, Suzhou, China

Corresponding Author

Wan Zhang


According to the article, artistic creation is the conscious labor of the creator, and its significance lies in its ability to realize self-expression and evoke resonance. Artistic creation can be divided into three stages: accumulation, conceptualization and expression. In the accumulation stage, the artist needs to observe life extensively and accumulate creative materials; in the conception stage, the artist should give full play to his or her imagination and recreate the materials; and in the expression stage, the artist should transform the conception into a work of art. From the process of art creation, we can see the relevant qualities that artists need to have. Finally, the article suggests that the base color of an artist is character and learning, as well as professional skills.


Artistic Creation; Accumulation; Imagination; Expression; Artist's Self cultivation


Wan Zhang, Artist's Self-Cultivation: From the Perspective of Artistic Creation. Art and Performance Letters (2023) Vol. 4: 79-83. DOI:


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