Development of Web3D education platform suitable for schoolchild
DOI: 10.23977/jipta.2023.060114 | Downloads: 27 | Views: 959
Yanyu Liu 1, Donghui Bao 1, Lili Ye 2, Yanyan Chen 1
1 School of Electronic Information Engineering, Beihai Vocational College, Beihai, 536000, China
2 Yifu Primary School of Haicheng District, Beihai City, Beihai, 536000, China
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3D education has vivid three-dimensional expression and powerful interactive functions, which is in line with the situational teaching and cognitive requirements of schoolchild. It is an excellent platform for displaying teaching content, and more importantly, it can improve schoolchildren’s learning enthusiasm. This article implements a three-dimensional curriculum teaching mode application, breaking away from the singularity of two-dimensional view teaching mode in presenting information. The educational scene is built on the WebGL framework based on Three.js, and a Web3D education platform suitable for young children is constructed to achieve three-dimensional teaching scene. At the same time, the facial expression recognition algorithm and human action recognition algorithm based on deep learning are applied to the Web3D education platform to achieve natural and real-time human-computer interaction in the teaching process without manual input instructions, so that learners can feel the sense of participation and immersion brought by intelligent interaction, and increase the fun of learning.
Education platform; Schoolchild; Facial expression recognition; Action recognitionCITE THIS PAPER
Yanyu Liu, Donghui Bao, Lili Ye, Yanyan Chen, Development of Web3D education platform suitable for schoolchild. Journal of Image Processing Theory and Applications (2023) Vol. 6: 122-131. DOI:
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