A Comparative Study of Meaning Construction in Travel Image Promotional Videos for Heilongjiang and Jilin under Visual Narrative Framework
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2024.050202 | Downloads: 25 | Views: 598
Lin Zeng 1, Xuyan Fan 1, Xiaoyan Wang 1
1 School of Arts and Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, 150030, China
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This research focuses on the multimodal comparative interpretation, within a visual narrative framework, of the interpersonal meaning, ideational meaning, and textual meaning of tourism promotional videos for Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. In terms of focalisation, the Jilin promotional video utilizes a greater number of mediated perspectives, fostering stronger interactivity with viewers compared to Heilongiang’s video. Regarding the pathos, both provinces feature a similar quantity of personalizing images, yet Heilongjiang's video excels in evoking resonance among viewers by showcasing winter scenes that evoke appreciation for ice and snow. Analyzing character manifestation and inter-event, both provinces employ metonymic character depiction, combined inter-event relationship of unfolding and projection to convey their respective tourism themes. Regarding visual-textual layout, both promotional videos employ an integrated visual-textual layout approach.
Tourism Promotional Videos; Visual Narrative; Multimodal; Heilongjiang; JilinCITE THIS PAPER
Lin Zeng, Xuyan Fan, Xiaoyan Wang, A Comparative Study of Meaning Construction in Travel Image Promotional Videos for Heilongjiang and Jilin under Visual Narrative Framework. Art and Performance Letters (2024) Vol. 5: 8-14. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/artpl.2024.050202.
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[4] Heilongjiang Cultural and Tourism Department "Beautiful Scenery of the North, All in Heilongjiang" [Link: https://www.ixigua.com/7079225318871368225].
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