Exploration of Rural Elderly Care Models under the Growing Aging Situation—Take Rugao City, Jiangsu as an Example
DOI: 10.23977/pree.2024.050111 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 607
Qian Jingxing 1
1 Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School, Shanghai, 201100, China
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Qian JingxingABSTRACT
China's aging problem is becoming more and more serious, of which the rural aging degree is higher, faster, large population size, and make the old age problem is particularly prominent. In the context of the gradual fading of the traditional model of old age, how to "old age care, old age medical care, old age learning, old age education, and old age happiness" to put into practice[1], governments at all levels are doing active exploration. This paper takes the "community embedded elderly care" service model of Rugao City, Nantong, which is one of the world's six famous "hometowns of longevity", as an example to sort out and analyze the service features of "institutional elderly care as a pillar, community elderly care as a support, and home-based elderly care as a foundation", and found out hte model is very social significance, and can be replicated, easy to promote, can greatly solve China's rural pension problems in various aspects.
Rural aging, community-embedded aging, time bankingCITE THIS PAPER
Qian Jingxing, Exploration of Rural Elderly Care Models under the Growing Aging Situation—Take Rugao City, Jiangsu as an Example. Population, Resources & Environmental Economics (2024) Vol. 5: 74-82. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/pree.2024.050111.
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