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The Application of Blockchain Technology Based on Network Communication in the Design of Library Readers' Intelligent Query System

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DOI: 10.23977/cpcs.2024.080102 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 614


Lingxia Wang 1, Xin Shi 1, Lin Sun 1, Beichen Li 1


1 Library, University of International Relations, Beijing, 100091, China

Corresponding Author

Lingxia Wang


With the increase of data volume and query complexity in the process of data processing, due to the use of single data retrieval and retrieval method and the lack of intelligent data retrieval methods, many problems may arise. The main reasons for the above difficulties are insufficient knowledge processing and insufficient understanding of the methods of obtaining information. Improving database query from current database to knowledge-based query is the foundation and key to solving the problem. Researchers in the library industry are gradually realizing this intelligent technology that can significantly improve service quality and improve work efficiency. This article takes a smallest cell of the bookshelf as the research object, and then expands the entire bookshelf. Taking the second-order weights as the weights and perform simulations respectively. It is found that when the number of reference beacons is 8, the average positioning error is the smallest, and the average positioning error for 100 positioning errors is 0.0332 m. 


Network Communication, Blockchain Technology, Smart Library, Smart Query


Lingxia Wang, Xin Shi, Lin Sun, Beichen Li, The Application of Blockchain Technology Based on Network Communication in the Design of Library Readers' Intelligent Query System. Computing, Performance and Communication Systems (2024) Vol. 8: 7-16. DOI:


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