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A GNN Approach for Turn-Level Traffic Prediction: Dynamic Relation Awareness and Hypergraph Modeling

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2024.090208 | Downloads: 38 | Views: 738


Haoyang Duan 1, Feihu Jiang 1


1 School of Computer Science and Technology, USTC, Hefei, China

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Haoyang Duan


It cannot be emphasized too much to predict traffic flow accurately in modern intelligent transportation systems. Though big progress has been made, few works focus on the turn-level traffic flow prediction, which is important to inspect fine-grained urban traffic dynamics closely. In this work, we develop a GNN (Graph Neural Network) approach built upon Dynamic Relation Awareness and Hypergraph modeling toward turn-level traffic flow prediction, namely DrahGNN. First, we construct a dynamic graph sequence where each snapshot denotes a turn-level traffic flow picture on top of a real-world road network. Second, we innovate a relation-aware spatiotemporal diffusion convolution network to capture road segments’ differences and relatedness explicitly. Third, we construct a hypergraph in each time frame to capture high-order and manifold correlations between road segments and design an attentive two-stage message-passing mechanism for aggregating infor- mation from non-directly connected nodes. We conduct empirical studies on real-world data which demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.


Turn-level Traffic Flow Prediction, Relation-aware Diffusion Convolution, Hypergraph Learning


Haoyang Duan, Feihu Jiang, A GNN Approach for Turn-Level Traffic Prediction: Dynamic Relation Awareness and Hypergraph Modeling. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2024) Vol. 9: 68-79. DOI:


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