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Research on Role of Sports Psychology in Enhancing Basketball Performance

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DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2024.080402 | Downloads: 115 | Views: 1153


Hou Zejin 1


1 College of Physical Education, Shanxi Normal University, Taiyuan City, China

Corresponding Author

Hou Zejin


This article explores various factors influencing the psychological capabilities of basketball players in intense competitive environments and evaluates various training methods aimed at enhancing athletes' psychological abilities. Recognizing the pivotal role of psychological capabilities in sports, especially in the context of fierce basketball competitions, we conducted an in-depth investigation based on literature into the environmental and individual factors shaping players' psychological characteristics. Key environmental influences, such as team dynamics, coaching styles, and audience interaction, as well as individual determining factors like personal traits, past experiences, and mental resilience, are all included in the study. The paper also provides a comprehensive review of contemporary training methods, including psychological skills training, cognitive-behavioral approaches, and team-based psychological enhancement methods. This article aims to provide insights and practical recommendations for coaches, trainers, and athletes striving to optimize basketball psychological preparation. The conclusions drawn emphasize the necessity of integrating psychological training into standard sports preparation, intending to equip athletes with the psychological tools necessary to achieve optimal performance in competitive basketball.


Sports Psychology, Basketball, Psychological Training, Competition


Hou Zejin, Research on Role of Sports Psychology in Enhancing Basketball Performance. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2024) Vol. 8: 9-15. DOI:


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