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Research on the Cultivation of Humanistic Psychology among College Students through Interactive Music Education in Universities

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DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2024.080404 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 483


Yanfei Li 1


1 College of Arts and Media, Hengxing University, Qingdao, 266021, China

Corresponding Author

Yanfei Li


Universities not only have the basic responsibility of cultivating talents and creating scholars, but also have the important mission of conveying the avenues and clarifying morality. Among them, humanistic psychology training is a talent training concept that has attracted much attention relative to professional quality training. It is mainly realized through the development of humanistic quality education in daily teaching. Humanistic quality education carefully sculpts and guides people's conduct, which can subtly influence the development of college students' outlook on life, world outlook and values in daily life, and is of great significance to promoting the common development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty. However, the research on the humanistic psychology of college students mainly stays at the theoretical and low-dimensional level. In response to the above problems, this paper took the interactive education of music in colleges and universities to carry out scientific data analysis and high-dimensional research on the humanistic psychology of college students. The research results have shown that the YOLOv5s-DenseASPP-CBAM model has the best effect. The AP value is the maximum value of 0.854 among all the tested models and the frame rate is 37.52 frames per second, which provided a basis for improving the humanistic psychology of college students.


Humanistic Psychology of College Students, College Music Interactive Education, Human-computer Interaction, Edge Detection Algorithm


Yanfei Li, Research on the Cultivation of Humanistic Psychology among College Students through Interactive Music Education in Universities. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2024) Vol. 8: 22-31. DOI:


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