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Research on "one-stop" student community education management service mode in colleges and universities

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DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2024.080411 | Downloads: 28 | Views: 589


Liang Zhang 1, Bailing Zhang 1, Zhongyan Du 1, Yuanyi Lv 1


1 Qingdao Hengxing University, Qingdao, Shandong, China

Corresponding Author

Liang Zhang


This paper addresses the current situation and challenges of student community education management in universities, proposing a "one-stop" student community education management service model. Based on this, the feasibility and effectiveness of this model are explored through case analysis and performance evaluation. Firstly, relevant theories are reviewed and summarized, including the concept of student community education management in universities, the current status of related research at home and abroad, and the reference experience of similar management models in other fields. Secondly, the design framework, main functions, and implementation path of this model are proposed, and its validation and improvement are verified through case analysis. Finally, the effectiveness of this model is evaluated through empirical research and discussion, along with prospects and suggestions for future development. This study aims to provide innovative ideas and practical experience in education management for universities, promoting the improvement of student community education management.


Higher Education Management, Student Community, One-stop Service, Education Management Model, Case Analysis


Liang Zhang, Bailing Zhang, Zhongyan Du, Yuanyi Lv, Research on "one-stop" student community education management service mode in colleges and universities. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2024) Vol. 8: 67-74. DOI:


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