Theoretical Basis Related to English Autonomous Learning of My PhD Dissertation Research
DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2024.080427 | Downloads: 25 | Views: 483
Zhou Li 1,2, Hui Suan Wei 1
1 City University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 46100, Malaysia
2 Swan College, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, 410211, China
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My PhD dissertation research topic is "The Impact of Motivation Cultivation on English Autonomous Learning among University Students in Hunan, China-A Mediating Role of Learning Strategy", so the dependable variable of my topic is "English autonomous learning". Through reviewing the literature about theories, I figured out such theories as theory of self-instruction, theory of cognitive psychology and theory of constructivism psychology have laid very solid foundation for the research and development of theories of English autonomous learning. The rise and development of the above theories have laid a solid theoretical foundation for the research on the theory and practice of autonomous learning, and studied the basic attributes of autonomous learning, psychological wit, influencing factors of autonomous learning and the cultivation strategies of learners' autonomous learning ability from different perspectives, thus promoting the research and further development of autonomous learning theory intoguiding practice. This paper will explore the above three theories one by one in detail.
English autonomous learning, theory of self-instruction, theory of cognitive psychology, theory of constructivism psychologyCITE THIS PAPER
Zhou Li, Hui Suan Wei, Theoretical Basis Related to English Autonomous Learning of My PhD Dissertation Research. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2024) Vol. 8: 176-182. DOI:
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