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Teacher Authority: The Internal Motivation for Professional Growth among University Students Majoring in Preschool Education

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DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2024.060513 | Downloads: 30 | Views: 576


Du Jie 1, Niu Jinjin 1


1 Faculty of Education, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing, China

Corresponding Author

Du Jie


Preschool teacher authority is a theoretical issue in the context of teacher-student relationship. Previous studies on preschool teacher authority focus on the relationship mechanism of teacher-child interaction and the relationship result after interaction, and mostly evaluate preschool teacher groups from the perspective of social education purposes. There is a lack of traceability analysis on the origin of the authority of preschool teachers from the perspective of the pre-service stage of cultivating students majoring in preschool education, that is, the forward-looking perspective. Through the analysis of the connotation, forming factors and social expectations of preschool teachers' authority, the current study found that it provided an important internal basis for the professional growth of preschool normal university students. Thus, it can provide valuable inspiration for preschool teacher education.


Pre-school education students, Teacher authority, Professional growth


Du Jie, Niu Jinjin, Teacher Authority: The Internal Motivation for Professional Growth among University Students Majoring in Preschool Education. Adult and Higher Education (2024) Vol. 6: 86-90. DOI:


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