Importance and Methods of Cultivating Cross-cultural Communication Skills in Korean Language Teaching
DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2024.080430 | Downloads: 23 | Views: 455
Lili Mu 1
1 Guilin Tourism University, Guilin, China
Corresponding Author
With the continuous deepening of globalization and the strengthening of communication and cooperation among countries, the cultivation of cross-cultural communication (CCC) skills has become increasingly crucial in vocational Korean language teaching. As an important component of cultivating future vocational talents, Korean language teaching in vocational colleges places higher demands on students' CCC abilities. Korean communication is no longer limited to language skills, but requires students to have the ability to understand, respect, and effectively communicate in a cross-cultural environment. Therefore, vocational Korean language teaching should be committed to providing students with more comprehensive and profound cultural literacy, so that they can be competent for work and cooperation in different cultural backgrounds on the international stage. This article explores the connotation of CCC ability and its application in Korean language teaching in vocational colleges through literature review, questionnaire survey, and data analysis. The accuracy rates of nonverbal communication behaviors and conversation principles are relatively low, at 24.15% and 10.13%, respectively. The accuracy rate of English culture-laden words in English is the lowest, only 5.20%. Under the traditional teaching model, students lack CCC skills, and there is an urgent need to improve teaching concepts and models, increase the coverage of cross-cultural content, and enhance teachers' cross-cultural educational abilities. This article proposes specific strategies for cultivating students' CCC skills in vocational Korean language teaching, in order to provide reference and inspiration for relevant teaching practices.
Globalization; Cross-cultural Communication; Korean Language Teaching; Language Skills; Cultural LiteracyCITE THIS PAPER
Lili Mu, Importance and Methods of Cultivating Cross-cultural Communication Skills in Korean Language Teaching. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2024) Vol. 8: 195-202. DOI:
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