Cultural Expression and Inheritance in Ceramic Art Design Based on Cross-border Integration
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2024.050307 | Downloads: 6 | Views: 200
Yixuan Xu 1
1 School of Fine Art, Crafts, Photography, University for the Creative Arts, Kent, CT1 3AN, UK
Corresponding Author
A traditional ceramic art creation is restricted by culture's established conventions and aesthetics, making the innovation of the classic excellence difficult. The cross-border integration-based design can make it possible to make the mixed cultural element's innovative and contemporary works, and increase the diversity, uniqueness, and cultural expression of expression. In this study, a literature review and case study were conducted. First, the theoretical foundation and benefits of the literature review of a cross-border integration-based ceramic creation was utilized to determine the principles. After that, a case study was conducted. The cross-border integration-based ceramic art design practice and its actual effect on the cultural expression and heritage were investigated. The outcomes revealed that cross-border integration-based ceramic design challenged the border of tradition, creating a new cultural dimension in a neutral artwork.
Cultural Expression and Inheritance; Ceramic Art Design; Cross-border Integration; Cultural InnovationCITE THIS PAPER
Yixuan Xu, Cultural Expression and Inheritance in Ceramic Art Design Based on Cross-border Integration. Art and Performance Letters (2024) Vol. 5: 39-46. DOI:
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