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A Study on the Migration Logic of "Snowbird Seniors" from the Perspective of Push-Pull Theory: An Investigation of W Community in Sanya City

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DOI: 10.23977/erej.2024.080204 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 441


Changfei Wang 1


1 College of Social Sciences, Sanya University, Sanya, Hainan, 572099, China

Corresponding Author

Changfei Wang


The intensifying aging population in China has brought numerous social challenges, among which the phenomenon of "snowbird seniors" has garnered increasing attention. Snowbird seniors refer to elderly individuals who migrate seasonally to warmer southern cities to escape the cold winters of the northern regions. This paper, using the push-pull theory as an analytical framework, delves into the underlying motivations behind snowbird seniors' decision to migrate to the W Community in Sanya City. Through field research and data analysis, the study reveals various push and pull factors influencing the migration decisions of the elderly, including climate, living costs, community facilities, social support, and mental health. The findings show that both push and pull factors interact, forming a complex migration logic among snowbird seniors. These factors not only include the pursuit of a more liveable environment but also involve multidimensional considerations such as social, economic, and cultural aspects. Based on these findings, the paper proposes a series of policy recommendations aimed at optimizing the migration experience of snowbird seniors and improving their overall quality of life.


Push-Pull Theory, Snowbird Seniors, Migration Logic, Sanya City, Community Research, Aging


Changfei Wang, A Study on the Migration Logic of "Snowbird Seniors" from the Perspective of Push-Pull Theory: An Investigation of W Community in Sanya City. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2024) Vol. 8: 25-29. DOI:


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