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The effects of new lease accounting standards on enterprises cash holdings: Evidence from China

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DOI: 10.23977/acccm.2024.060311 | Downloads: 6 | Views: 174


Jinfeng Xue 1, Badrul Hisham Kamaruddin 1


1 City University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Corresponding Author

Jinfeng Xue


The objective of this research is to analyze whether the new lease accounting standards IFRS16 and China CAS21 affect the enterprises’ cash holding decisions. This article regards the new lease standards as a "quasi-natural experiment" and uses a multiple-time-point difference-in-difference (DID) model for research. The research results show that changes in lease accounting standards will lead to enterprises' decisions to reduce their cash holdings, and non-state-owned enterprises (N-SOEs) and higher leasing levels enterprises will reduce their cash holdings more. At the same time, there are significant differences among enterprises with different sizes and different listed ages.  The reduction of cash holdings by enterprises is significantly related to the new lease standards changing the financial leverage, debt maturity structure and total asset cash recovery ratio of enterprises.


New lease accounting standards, cash holdings, multiple-time-point DID


Jinfeng Xue, Badrul Hisham Kamaruddin, The effects of new lease accounting standards on enterprises cash holdings: Evidence from China. Accounting and Corporate Management (2024) Vol. 6: 81-90. DOI:


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