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The Impact of Industrial Emissions on Outdoor Air Pollution in Different U.S. Cities from 1980 to 2024

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DOI: 10.23977/envcp.2024.030106 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 357


Haoyang Tu 1


1 Millbrook School, Millbrook, USA

Corresponding Author

Haoyang Tu


During the last century, because of the rapid development of industry, the emissions of many pollutants increased rapidly, raising outdoor air pollution levels in cities worldwide. Using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recording, I analyzed air quality trends in five U.S. cities and concluded that pollution levels generally decreased from 1980 to 2024 in all the cities. However, different pollutants decreased by different degrees in each city. Urban planning and the growth and decline of industry appear to play essential roles in changing ambient air pollution levels. This study examines the relationship between policies related to industry and ambient levels of air pollution. I find that different state policies have had different impacts on pollution levels. In particular, policies and pollution levels in Riverside, California, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are examined in depth.


Policy, Air pollution, United States, Industry


Haoyang Tu, The Impact of Industrial Emissions on Outdoor Air Pollution in Different U.S. Cities from 1980 to 2024. Environment and Climate Protection (2024) Vol. 3: 40-48. DOI:


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