Research on Seasonal Changes and Interrelationships of Vegetable Sales Volume Based on Data Mining
DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2024.070210 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 340
Han Lin 1
1 College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Shantou University, Shantou, 515063, China
Corresponding Author
This study analyzes the sales volume and pricing of various vegetable products. Data visualization and analysis were performed on the sales volumes of different categories and individual products within the vegetable category. The analysis reveals that Wuhu green pepper ranks highest in single product sales, followed by broccoli, net lotus root, Chinese cabbage, and Yunnan lettuce. Leafy vegetables, chili peppers, and edible fungi constitute 77% of the total vegetable sales, with eggplant vegetables having the lowest sales volume. Seasonal variations in sales volumes were observed, with flower and leafy vegetables peaking in February 2023 and reaching their lowest in April 2022. The sales volumes of eggplant, cauliflower, and aquatic root vegetables remain relatively stable throughout the year. Correlation analysis using the Pearson coefficient and Apriori algorithm identified relationships between different vegetable products. The heat map of correlation coefficients shows complementary and substitute relationships among top-selling vegetables. Association rule analysis suggests strategic placement of certain vegetables to enhance sales. This comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights into vegetable sales trends and relationships, offering practical recommendations for improving sales strategies.
Sales volume, Seasonal variations, Correlation analysis, Association rule analysisCITE THIS PAPER
Han Lin, Research on Seasonal Changes and Interrelationships of Vegetable Sales Volume Based on Data Mining. Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2024) Vol. 7: 74-79. DOI:
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