Analysis of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology in China
DOI: 10.23977/mpcr.2024.040114 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 288
Jiaqi Yu 1
1 College of Chemical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin, China
Corresponding Author
The global warming caused by the greenhouse effect is a hot topic of concern for society as a whole, and carbon dioxide emissions are the main reason for this issue. Based on the fact that China has the highest carbon footprint worldwide, different scholars have discovered that carbon capture and storage technology plays an enormous part in efficient emission reduction and in delaying climate change. Therefore, this paper collected data through literature review to analyze the current status of CCS technology in our country, summarizes its application in the oil and gas industry, and identifies the problems and challenges faced based on this analysis. This paper has found that our country still has weaknesses and shortcomings in certain aspects of CCS technology, with ample room for improvement in terms of costs, research and development, and policies. In addition, CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) technology that makes use of increased oil recovery from carbon dioxide is the most effective option for raising oil production in the oil and gas sector while also having the potential to significantly lower emissions. Green and sustainable development is a national aim that we are able to strongly promote by expanding investment in research and project execution, as well as through enhancing cooperation and learning with the worldwide community.
CCS Technology; Carbon Dioxide; Enhanced Oil RecoveryCITE THIS PAPER
Jiaqi Yu, Analysis of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology in China. Modern Physical Chemistry Research (2024) Vol. 4: 105-111. DOI:
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