Selection of Technological Innovation Models for Agricultural Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province
DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2024.070211 | Downloads: 3 | Views: 236
Yan Ren 1
1 College of Economics and Management, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing, 163319, China
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Agricultural enterprises are the main operators of modern agriculture, the improvement of their technological innovation capabilities is the key to the development of modern agriculture. In recent years, the technological innovation capability of agricultural enterprises has been improved to a certain extent in Heilongjiang Province, however, there are also serious obstacles to development in the process. On the basis of analyzing the selection ideas of technological innovation models for agricultural enterprises, this article conducts a detailed analysis of the internal and external factors that affect the selection of technological innovation models for agricultural enterprises, and proposes the selection of technological innovation models for small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises and agricultural leading enterprises in Heilongjiang Province.
Agricultural Enterprise; Technological innovation Models; Independent innovation; cooperative innovationCITE THIS PAPER
Yan Ren, Selection of Technological Innovation Models for Agricultural Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province. Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2024) Vol. 7: 80-85. DOI:
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